
1、幸福不意味着凡事都完美,那只是因为你已经不再只看到缺憾了。Happiness does not mean that all things are perfect, that's only because you no longer see only drawback.

2、习惯这个东西很可拍,特别是你不得不面对改变的时候。Used to the things are can be taken, especially when you have to face the change.

3、当坚强成为你唯一的选择,你才知道自己可以有多坚强。As strong as your only option, you didn't know I can have more strong.

4、能改的,叫做缺点;不能改的,叫做弱点。Can change, called the shortcomings; Can't change, called the weakness.

5、有些时候稍纵即逝便是永恒,也许在不经意的转角,会遇见春暖花开。Sometimes fleeting is eternal, perhaps in casual corner, will meet spring flowers.

6、那只是一段浅浅的过往,却不知觉地凝成了悲伤。It's just a shallow, it is condensed into sorrow.